Here are some rebrands I've done where I incorporated my advertising, graphic design, and photography skills. When working with a brand or a company I don't like to just "make something new", I take pride in digging into what made it good, and expanding upon that even more. Whether that's researching a city's history and lore or reading all 3 of the original Alice in Wonderland books, I like to slip in easter eggs that make viewers and fans feel that much more attached to the new branding.

East Oakland Futures Fest Rebrand
East Oakland hosts a festival called Futures Fest (EOFF) every year to celebrate their African heritage, the identity of East Oakland and their love of music and community. My team and I created this rebrand where we freshened up their look, incorporated traditional African symbols, and included touches of 70's aesthetics through the color palette as a nod to East Oakland's love of soul music. I came up with "A block party like no other" and "The city with soul" to add some snappiness to their advertisements and brand. We created 3 posters to advertise the festival itself, the vendors in the block party, and the music lineup. You'll notice the posters shift from warm sunrise tones, to evening, to cool night tones as the festival is an all day event.
Festival Merch

EOFF slogan tote bags with East Oakland's city landscape and concentric circles sun motif. Designed to be on display for purchase at the front of the block party so customers can continue to shop and store what they buy from vendors.
"The City With Soul" was a slogan I came up with for the EOFF as East Oakland is very proud of their identity and wish to be independently recognized separate from San Francisco which oftentimes gets referred to as The City.

Pages from EEOF Rebrand book

All of the recurring symbols and logo were created in Adobe Illustrator. The flower is the traditional African symbol for unity. The concentric circles not only represents a sun but also a scraper bike wheel as scraper bikes are very central to East Oakland's identity. The city silhouette is East Oakland's most popular monuments and buildings.

Alice in Wonderland Book Cover Rebrand

One of the most iconic moments in Alice in Wonderland is the tea party scene. I wanted to create a dark and twisted version of this that represented gluttony. I set up a table in my backyard with cups of tea, my family's finest silverware, and a lovely cake and had rather a go of messing it all up much to my mother's disapproval on our nice white table cloth. All in the name of art right? I edited the photo and page layout to continue this dark theme. In the world of Wonderland lovers are many many many people who love a good dark Alice spin. To continue this eerie message I added some lesser known quotes on the back and offset the "d" in the title to indicate that something is slightly wrong in this so called fairytale land.

In the second book Alice enters this strange world where time moves differently. The landscape is a chessboard and she starts out as a pawn, but by the end of the book she is crowned queen. I included the same teacup and tablecloth from the first book alongside my father's chessboard set, and warped the front cover to allude to this looking glass world. On the back cover I included a conversation between Alice and the queen and pictured a white pawn taking down the black queen to allude to her character arc.

The Hunting of the Snark was the third book that wasn't actually connected to Alice at all, but followed a crew of 10 shipmates and a captain who was on the hunt for a possibly made up creature called the Snark. The quote on the back of the book is one of the most famous lines as it's when the crewmates start to question their captain's sanity. They jabbed that he only was good for jingling his bell. So I pictured a rusty bell I found lying around on an old placemat I found and labeled NESW on either side to make it appear as if it were a map. I left the map blank to hint at the fact that the ship was going on a "nothing" mission.
WIP photos

Tangible Book Mockups

The body of the book was created through using foam core that I modpodged with a paintbrush to give the rough look of paper. The leather book strap and snap was handmade and I added charms that suited the fairytale fantasy vibe of Alice's adventures such as a pendent of a kitty, a key, a compass, and a sword.