Setting the Scene
I believe the setting of the shoot is just as important as the object being shot. I thoroughly enjoy creating scenes that tell a story oftentimes making or thrifting unique pieces to achieve this.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the biggest procrastinator of them all?
For this piece I was going for a dark fairytale vibe. I thrifted this mirror, painted it gold, and painted the words on the glass in a nonchalant manner. The woodsy scenery, my clothing, and the clock I'm holding I all curated to go with the fantasy theme and time related message.
"The Perfect Time Does Not Exist" is a phrase that I like to remind myself whenever I feel myself procrastinating starting something new, usually art related. The words scattered at the bottom are graphic elements that I wanted to appear separate from being inside the image, they represent my doubts.
Nights Like These

Some of my favorite memories are the nights you didn't really plan, the last minute concert tickets, the late night speakeasies, the spontaneous skinny dipping. I wanted a moody piece to reflect the nostalgia you get when you remember the little snippets of one of these nights. Nights like these don't last forever though so that's why I made the letters fade off. All of these photos were shot on 35mm and I collaged them all together in Illustrator to get the scattered feeling of a memory.

Save the Analog Arts Campaign
This was a campaign to save the analog arts. My collaborators and I felt that artists have strayed so far away from creating art with their own two hands which shows a lack of personality and "realness". All of the images were shot on 35mm. We printed them out, and cut and collaged everything together. All of the titles, subtitles, and embellishments were handwritten, hand ripped, everything was handmade. We wanted to imitate the propaganda posters of the early punk scene.