YFC totes
Tote bag graphics for alt-indie rock band Your Favorite Color.
The band's color scheme is predominantly black with splashes of primary color here and there. I opted for a simple yellow on the top design for a lighthearted indie look and for the bottom star design, I used their maroon red color to create a darker, grungier look. I designed them both in Adobe Illustrator, and applied the art onto the tote bags through printing out on adhesive paper and ironing on for a more makeshift look.
Space Oddity Tote
This piece was created through collaging different mediums together. The star design was fabric scrap, the eye cutouts are leftover from a screen printing project I did earlier in the year where I used my own eye in the design. I ironed on a Bowie and Joy Division patch and accessorized with a few clothespins and a zigzag maroon trim; while allowing for loose ends for a more punky look.

I Ain't Rootin' Tote

One day while at my local horse ranch I saw a taxidermy cowboy squirrel hung up way high in one of the barns. I thought it was the weirdest yet funniest little thing ever so I of course took a photo and later turned it into this design. I came up with the silly slogan "I ain't rootin if you ain't tootin" to match the charm of the squirrel. I turned the photo into 3 layers, and created the text layout in Adobe Illustrator so I then could screen print it onto the tote.
This eye motif was from one of my screen printing patterns I created called "Nightmare" which was part of a set titled "Nightmare/Dreamscape"
The eye is my own which I screen printed three times across for this grungey graphic tee.